Yandex or Google?

If you have chosen Russia as your next strategic market, you should know several important things about its specifics. We will spare you from talking about differences in people’s mentality and the rest, but we rather want to talk about some online behavior differences that can very much shape your digital strategy. Any online customer acquisition starts with targeting your audience and traditional way to do so would be building your Google Adwords campaign. Well, this is not the case if you are building online strategy for Russian market. At least, partially it is not the case. Yandex is the world’s 4th biggest search engine, but in Russia it is the most popular, with over 60% of the market (beginning of 2014 statistics). It is as well the fastest growing search engine in the world, showing unprecedented 28% growth in 2014. So when you think…

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Payment Methods: Webmoney

It is true that US dollar is the world’s currency and with businesses becoming more and more global it is only natural to use USD or Euro to make transactions. Nevertheless, if you really want to succeed on the local markets, you need to still think locally in some aspects and payments issue would be one of those wise considerations. Especially when you talk about doing business in Russia. Moreover, you need to understand that Russia had some milestones in its evolvement that influenced mentality of people and their attitude towards banking system in general and their day-to-day money behavior. In 90s, when Soviet Union collapsed, the banking system collapsed together with it. Lots of people lost their savings and the rest found themselves in a situation where their money lost most of its value. Total chaos, lack of trust, feeling of betrayal by its own…

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Next stop: Russia

You have started a business, hired talented people, worked hard to achieve success and, finally, here it is! Congrats! But it’s not the time yet to buy a one-way-ticket to Bahamas and retire… The question that you should ask yourself is what’s next? Don’t you think you and your “baby” deserve even more? How about global expansion? Nowadays, when the world is digital and almost every business operates online (at least partially), global expansion is a somewhat an expected move from a company that doesn’t want to settle for mediocre domestic success. And when you start thinking global, you better think big! How about the biggest country in the world which is almost double the size of the whole Europe or double the size of the United States? Not bad, ha? With population of about 142,500,000 people Russia has always been on the map of…

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